'The wrong decision': ABC Vancouver majority fails to get its way as natural gas push fails
Rebecca Bligh Rebecca Bligh

'The wrong decision': ABC Vancouver majority fails to get its way as natural gas push fails

Bligh said that since July, she had become convinced these arguments were not valid, and she had heard from many homebuilders “who say electricity is cheaper and better.”

“I’m glad we took the time to follow proper process to gather all the facts and hear from people in our communities,” Bligh said Wednesday. “Now that we have, the path forward could not be more clear.”

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Vancouver Councillor appointed President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Rebecca Bligh Rebecca Bligh

Vancouver Councillor appointed President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities

The City of Vancouver is pleased to announce that Councillor Rebecca Bligh has been appointed as the President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). 

Since 2018, Councillor Bligh has served as a Director for the FCM, and as a Table Officer and Chair of Governance for the past three years. Since being appointed to the FCM, Councillor Bligh has served on multiple committees including community safety and crime protection, municipal infrastructure and social economic development.

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Laura Appleton Laura Appleton

Take Two

Tweeting a perspective that is incredibly nuanced in 280 characters is always an error in judgement. I made that error.

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